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Accountable is a service provided by

Accountable SA
22 drève des Weigélias
1170 Brussels

Accountable SA Deutschland,
Wattstraße 11
13355 Berlin
VAT ID: DE365452916
Call the team
E-Mail: [email protected]

Managing directors: Nicolas Quarré, Alexis Eggermont
VAT ID: BE0682763303

Hosted in Germany

Competent supervisory authorities

The National Bank of Belgium has authorised Accountable SA – pursuant to Article 8 §1, 2° b) of the law of 11 March 2018 on the status and prudential supervision of payment institutions and electronic money institutions – to offer account aggregation services as a payment institution within the European Economic Area and in EU Member States, provided that separate notifications have been made to the competent authorities in the relevant Member States (identification number 0682.763.303). The National Bank of Belgium supervises Accountable SA in all EU member states and within the European Economic Area (EEA).

With its PSD2 licence, Accountable SA in Germany is subject to the supervision of the National Bank of Belgium as well as the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in Bonn (Directive (EU) 2015/2366). In addition, the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt was informed of Accountable SA’s offer by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) in a letter dated 26 March 2020.

Contact details of the competent supervisory authorities:

National Bank of Belgium
Boulevard de Berlaimont 14
1000 Brussels
Internet: www.nbb.b

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Graurheindorfer Str. 108
53117 Bonn
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.bafin.de

Deutsche Bundesbank
Wilhelm-Epstein Straße 14
60431 Frankfurt am Main
Internet: www.bundesbank.de

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