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Freelancing as a software developer – Here’s how it works

Written by: Sophia Merzbach

Updated on: November 13, 2024

Reading time: 4 minutes

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Software developers are in great demand these days. So it's no wonder that many developers and programmers start their own business. If you are also thinking about starting your own business as a software developer, then we have all the helpful information for you on this page to make the start into self-employment as easy as possible. Content

How do I become a software developer?

When it comes to developing and programming software, you won't get far without the necessary expertise. And work experience in the field is definitely helpful to keep track of your projects as an independent developer. One option is therefore to study or train in the field of software development. Alternatively, there are also many courses that are offered as further education or retraining and can definitely support you in the beginning.  If you generally have good computer skills, then you can also focus primarily on learning specific programming languages such as PHP, Java or C++. There are numerous online courses and tutorials for this, with which you can also acquire the knowledge autodidactically.  💡 Tip from Accountable: Software and technology evolve quickly. That's why you should continue to attend training and courses after starting your own business to stay up to date. And by the way, you can deduct the costs for these courses from your taxes.

Are software developers considered freelancers or tradespeople?

If you already have the appropriate skills, you can of course register directly as a self-employed software developer. All you have to do is fill out the tax registration questionnaire to get a new tax number for your self-employment. In this questionnaire, however, you will come across a question that you should deal with in advance: Do you carry out a trade (Gewerbe) with your activity or are you a freelancer? ➡️ Freelancer or tradesperson - here’s what you need to know This distinction determines how you proceed with the further registration of your activity and which tax obligations you will have later on. Freelancers only have to fill out the questionnaire, whereas tradespeople have to register with the trade office and may also have to pay trade tax. In the case of a software developer, the distinction is actually not that easy. If your work tasks are similar to those of an engineer, then you will probably be classified as a freelancer. Programmers and consultants who support users and assist them in the further development and maintenance of their applications, on the other hand, are engaged in commercial activities. 💡 Tip from Accountable: If you are not sure which category your activity will put you in, it is best to talk to a tax advisor or consultant for advice before submitting the questionnaire.

Can I be a small business owner as a software developer?

Regardless of whether you are classified as a freelancer or a business, you can make use of the small business regulation. This regulation is intended to make it easier for new self-employed people to get a foot in the door by reducing their accounting workload - and by allowing them to offer lower rates to private customers. Small business owners are in fact exempt from paying VAT. This means that you do not have to include any VAT on your invoices and do not have to submit a VAT return or regular advance VAT returns. This saves you a lot of time and effort, which is probably better invested elsewhere, especially at the beginning of your new career. However, you can only make use of this regulation if you do not exceed a certain income limit.  ➡️ Kleinunternehmer Guide: Everything you need to know about the small business regulation

What are my tax obligations?

You will face a few new tax obligations and tasks as a freelance software developer. We have summarized exactly what these are in two parts: ➡️ Thinking about becoming Self-employed Part 1: Here is all you need to know before! ➡️ Thinking about becoming self-employed Part 2: Taxes, taxes, taxes What exactly your tax obligations are depends on whether you are registered as a tradesperson or a freelancer and whether you make use of the small business regulation. Freelancers who are small business owners only have to submit their income tax return including the surplus income statement (Einnahmenüberschussrechnung) for profit determination. Freelancers who are not small business owners must also file a VAT return and, depending on the tax office's determination, submit advance VAT returns via Elster on a monthly or quarterly basis. ➡️ This is how easy the Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung / VAT return in Germany can be Tradespeople who are not small business owners must additionally submit a business tax return once a year.  💡 Tip from Accountable: With our free app, you can easily organize your bookkeeping and record all your income and expenses. This way you always have an overview of your income and can easily find out how much your sales and profits were. 

What can I deduct from taxes?

Every self-employed person who has expenses for professional reasons, for example for renting an office or buying work equipment, can deduct them in his annual tax return and thus reduce his tax burden a little. Of course, this also applies to software developers. You will probably have expenses primarily for hardware or software, as well as for work equipment and your place of work. But also such classic expenses as bank management fees or costs for paper for printing drafts are tax deductible. ➡️ 7 handy tax deductions for freelancers in Germany

How do I become self-employed as a software developer?

To register as a software developer, you need to fill out the tax registration questionnaire as discussed. Within two to four weeks, the tax office will send you your new tax number, which you can use to invoice your services as a software developer. Everything you need to know when you start a business can be found here. 💡 Tip from Accountable: You can also easily fill out the questionnaire online on our website and apply for your tax number directly. You can use our guidelines to add the relevant information and the document will be sent directly to the tax office via our secure interface. So, what are you waiting for? Start your own business as a software developer now! 
Sophia Author

Sophia Merzbach

Sophia has been a key member of the Accountable team for many years, bringing a unique blend of journalistic precision and in-depth tax expertise to her work.

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