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Free Business Banking with automated Tax Savings.

Your free business account that sets aside money for taxes – automatically.

Open your free account
Hero Header Banking
Badge 1 EN

Protected by EU Deposit Guarantee

Badge 2 En

German IBAN,
no Schufa check

Badge 3 EN

Free cash withdrawals and no account fees

Safely set aside the right amount for taxes

  • Automatically calculates your tax savings
  • Save business account German IBAN & sub-account
  • Pay your taxes directly from the app in one click

All your business finances in one place

  • Banking, accounting, and taxes synchronized
  • Instant notification when a client pays
  • Pay invoices & expenses directly from the app

Full business banking without the fees

  • Banking & tax reserves sub-account for free
  • Real-time transfers across Europe at no extra costs
  • German IBAN, Apple & Google Pay & Mastercard

Unlock a 2% cash bonus on every paid sales invoice

  • Get 2% extra on every invoice in MAX
  • Receive up to €250 extra annually
  • Withdraw your bonus anytime

Compare Accountable Banking in Detail

N26 Standard
Qonto Basic
Kontist free
Revolut Basic
Commerzbank Klassik
DKB Business
Monthly fee 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 0€ 15,90€ 15,90€
Physical Card ✓ × ✓ × ✓ ✓ ✓
Virtual Card (Apple & Google Pay) 0€ ✓ ✓ × ✓ ✓ ✓
Cash Bonus 2% on every invoice × × × × × ×
Cashback × 1% × × × × ×
German IBAN ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cost of transactions €0 €0 €0.40 €0.15 €0.20 €0.20 €0
Amount of monthly free transactions Unlimited Unlimited 30 10 10 10 Unlimited
Receiving/transferring Money abroad 5€ + 0,6–5% €12.50 + 0.1% of the transfer amount (starting from €150) 0,8% transfer (mind. 5€ excl. MwSt.) Fees for non-SEPA transfers Fees for non-SEPA transfers Fees for non-SEPA transfers 15€ Fee for non-SEPA transfers
Costs for Payments in Foreign Currency 2% 0% 2% 1.70% 0% 2.09% 2.20%
Subaccount ✓ ✓ ✓ × ✓ ✓ ✓
Account Switching Service × ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Withdrawals from ATMs within the SEPA Zone 0€ 2/Month One Card: 2€ per transaction Free up to 200€ per month Free up to 200€ per month Abroad €3.50 per withdrawal Im Ausland 1,75% per withdrawal
Standing orders ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Tax Savings ✓ × × × × × ×
Automatic Calculation of Income Tax Return ✓ × × ✓ × × ×
Automatic Calculation of VAT Return ✓ × × ✓ × × ×
Own Bookkeeping Tool ✓ × ✓ ✓ × × ×
Einlagensicherung (Deposit Insurance) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
2-Factor Authentication ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Customer Support In-app chat, phone, email In-app chat, phone, email Phone (for card blocking), email Email, phone In-app chat, email In-app chat, email Phone, email, online mailbox

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it’s its job

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